Flax seeds are widely known for having powerful health benefits. As a result, flax seed oil has become one of the most in-demand superfoods of recent times.
This is because it can easily be added to a meal or even direct to your skin. As a result, you can benefit from anything from better skin to improved digestion by using cold pressed flax seed oil.
Take a look below to discover why flax seed is one of the most popular cold pressed oils. We’ll also discuss the many different flax seed oil uses so that you can apply it to your product or lifestyle.
What is cold pressed flax seed oil?
Flax seed oil has been manufactured by humans for thousands of years as it is believed to hold many health-giving benefits. The oil is clear with a slight gold-yellow colour, and it has a taste and aroma that is reminiscent of nuts and sesame seeds.
Cold pressed flax seed oil, also known as linseed oil, is produced through the grinding and cold pressing of ripened flax seeds. The term ‘cold-pressed’ describes the way in which the oil is extracted from the original flax seed. This sees the seeds being ground either via granite millstones or stainless steel presses.
Such a pressing procedure can cause heat through friction which could affect the quality of the flax seed oil. As a result, cold pressed flax seed oil must be manufactured in a process that keeps the heat below 48° C.
Cold pressed flax seed oil is normally stored in an opaque bottle to protect it from sunlight, however it can also be taken in capsule form. As well as being sensitive to light, flax seed oil will need to be protected from heat. This means that it should always be stored in a cool and dark place.
A daily dose of flax seed oil can work wonders in improving an individual’s overall well-being.
How your body uses flax seed oil
Flax seeds are a true superfood. This is because they are packed full of nutritious proteins and fibre. But one of the key reasons why flax seed oil has become so popular is the fact that it is high in an Omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid.
Your body will use this acid and convert it into other fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. These fatty acids are essential for your well-being as they can do everything from protecting your heart to stopping your brain from ageing so rapidly.
Omega-3 fatty acids are commonly found in fish. But many people won’t normally consume the required one to two servings of fatty fish each week. As a result, many people boost their omega-3 fatty acid intake by adding cold pressed flax seed oil to certain meals. We should note that flax seed oil might not contain nutrients like magnesium and vitamin B that are found in flax seeds.
Simple and effective flax seed oil uses
There are many flax seed oil uses that are easy to follow as long as the product is handled and stored correctly. Here are some of the key ways in which this superfood can be put into use.
Try it in a smoothie
Many people will simply add a tablespoon of cold pressed flax seed oil to a smoothie, juice or shake. The fact that smoothies are cold means that the nutritional power of the flax seed oil won’t be affected.
Use it in your meals
The taste of cold-pressed flax seed oil is remarkably mild. As a result, it can simply be added to a wide variety of dips and sauces without it ruining your meal. The oil works wonderfully as a salad dressing, but it should not be used for cooking. This is because heat can cause the oil to lose its nutritional benefits and form potentially harmful compounds.
Add it to your skin and hair
Cold pressed flax seed oil doesn’t have to be taken orally. Instead, you can apply the oil directly to your skin or hair. Many people will even create a face mask by adding flax seed oil to a skin cream to boost the moisture of their skin.
Health benefits of using cold pressed flax seed oil
While cold pressed flax seed oil doesn’t have exactly the same nutritional benefits as whole flax seeds, it’s still an excellent way to improve your overall well-being. Alongside boosting your Omega-3 levels, you’ll find that adding one or two servings of cold pressed flax seed oil to your daily routine can help fight the following common ailments.
Reduces cholesterol
The high levels of alpha-linolenic acid in cold pressed flax seed oil can work wonders in lowering your bad cholesterol levels. A recent study found that a daily dose of the oil could break down the lipoproteins that cause cholesterol problems.
Helps with bowel problems
Cold pressed flax seed oil is packed with fibre and can be effective in fighting both constipation and diarrhea. It has been found that the oil can help people increase both their stool consistency and the frequency of their bowel movements.
Reduces the risk of diabetes
It has also been suggested that flax seed oil may have a positive effect upon the treatment of diabetes. Research in this area is still ongoing, but early evidence points to the fact that a daily dose of flax seed oil can help to regulate blood sugar levels.
Helps skin health
A lack of Omega-3 commonly leads to skin issues ranging from roughness to dermatitis. There is plenty of research to suggest that flax seed oils can work wonders in regenerating skin cells and fighting inflammation.
Reduction of inflammation
There have been a range of studies that have suggested that flax seed oil is packed with plenty of anti-inflammatory properties. One study reported that it could reduce the levels of the C-reactive protein that has been used as a marker in individuals suffering from obesity. As such, cold pressed flax seed oil has been suggested to be a powerful tool in a weight loss regime.
Benefit to heart conditions
Cold pressed flax seed oil is believed to be full of healthy proteins that can be powerful agents in the fight against heart disease. It is thought that the oil can have a variety of positive effects on heart health including lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation and improving the elasticity of the arteries.
Things to be careful of with cold pressed flax seed oil
While cold pressed flax seed oil is a powerful superfood, it’s important to note that it should be used carefully. It is believed that pregnant women, children, breastfeeding mothers and anybody with a bleeding disorder should avoid using flax seed oil. Plus anybody wishing to explore one of these flax seed oil uses to treat an illness should only do so after speaking with a medical professional.
Concluding thoughts on cold pressed flax seed oil
A daily dose of flax seed oil can work wonders in improving an individual’s overall well-being. This is because it is high in levels of Omega-3 fatty acids that could have an effect on anything from lowering cholesterol to reducing inflammation.
It’s important to note that cold pressed flax seed oil must be stored, handled and used correctly so as to gain the nutritional benefits. But given the wide range of flax seed oil uses, it represents one of the simplest ways to boost your overall health.
Please note that the views/opinions expressed in this blog are solely our own. It is the responsibility of our clients to conduct the necessary testing to substantiate any claims and ensure compliance with industry standards for every ingredient. We will not accept any liability for claims made based on our content.
As consumer demand for natural and sustainable beauty is on the rise, the popularity of cold-pressed oils is at the forefront of the zero-waste movement